Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure job outlook

Greg Belding
November 18, 2020 by
Greg Belding

The business world is relocating to the cloud and the trend is strong. It has been predicted that by the end of 2020, 83% of all businesses will be in the cloud and by 2021, the percentage of workloads processed in cloud data centers will reach 94%. By 2022, cloud services will be three times the size of the overall IT services provided. The future is cloud-based, and the COVID-19 pandemic will only strengthen this trend.

For those wanting to get on the cloud bandwagon, earning a certification hosted by a major cloud service provider is one of the first steps in this career path and the Microsoft Azure Certification is what you want to pursue this career path. 

This article will explore Microsoft Azure, which is currently the second most popular cloud service provider but is steadily catching up to the top provider, Amazon AWS. This article will dive in and give you a close look at the job outlook for Microsoft Azure and will help you determine if this is the career path for you.

Make Your Resume Stand Out With a Microsoft Azure Certification

Make Your Resume Stand Out With a Microsoft Azure Certification

Cloud technologies and services have revolutionized how we manage our IT and business ecosystems. Whether you're new to the field or an experienced professional, a Microsoft Azure certification can help build your skills and accelerate your career.

Microsoft Azure is in demand

Simply put, those with Microsoft Azure certifications are in demand. Organizations are attracted to Microsoft Azure because of its security features, flexibility and ability to scale. More to this point, organizations will pay you quite well compared to other non-cloud-based IT roles. These organizations will pay those with a Microsoft Azure certification well over $100,000 per year on average, which is over 30% higher than the average IT pay. 

Education for a job using Microsoft Azure

One of the first things you may ask is how much education do you need for a Microsoft Azure job. Aside from the Microsoft certification, most organizations are looking for at least some kind of degree. Below are the numbers, based on how many organizations are seeking which degree:

  • Bachelor’s degree 60%
  • Master’s degree 13%
  • Unspecified 38%
  • Associate degree 2%
  • Ph.D. or professional degree 2%
  • High school diploma or GED 2%

With the lion’s share of organizations requiring a four-year degree or higher (such as a master’s), you may want to earn this degree before your Microsoft certification so you can have as quick of a transition from the proverbial certification classroom to the job as possible.

Experience for jobs in Microsoft Azure

The next logical question you may be asking is how much experience is required for a Microsoft Azure job. The main takeaway here is that there is no one answer for this question, as it depends on the position and exactly how seasoned you need to be is up to the organization. The good news is we can glean a little more from the numbers below:

  • 0-1 year 11%
  • 2-3 years 29%
  • 4-6 years 23%
  • 7-9 years 6%
  • 10+ years 4%
  • Unspecified 28%

As you can see, over half of all organizations hiring for a Microsoft Azure job require somewhere between two and six years of experience. With that said, you will increase your chances of getting that Azure job you covet if you have put it at least a few years of time in the workforce.

So, what kind of Microsoft Azure jobs are out there?

One of the best things about Microsoft Azure jobs is that there is a vast litany of them. Below is a run-down of the Microsoft Azure jobs out there with how much it pays on average annually:

  • Azure Cloud Architect — $167,807
  • Cloud Architect — $153,318
  • Azure Architect — $152,094
  • Azure Solution Architect — $145,472
  • Cloud Solutions Architect — $143,460
  • Solutions Architect Contract — $140,331
  • Azure Developer — $138,264
  • Microsoft Azure Consultant — $134,901
  • Microsoft Enterprise Architect — $134,896
  • Microsoft Architect — $133,585
  • Microsoft Solutions Architect — $131,162
  • Azure Engineer — $130,833
  • Azure Cloud Engineer — $126,659
  • Service Architect — $126,085
  • Azure Consultant — $122,274
  • OpenStack Cloud Consulting Architect — $118,295
  • Microsoft Developer — $108,650
  • Microsoft Azure Administrator — $107,683
  • Microsoft Infrastructure Consultant — $102,851
  • Microsoft Programmer — $85,026
  • Microsoft Sales — $81,148

The vast majority of these salaries are in excess of $100,000 and the average of all of these jobs breaks down to $126,392. It should be noted that the last three positions technically do not require a Microsoft Azure certification and that if you were to remove them, you are left with a higher average of $132,559. 

This list should not be taken as an exhaustive list and we will be exploring this a little more later.

Location, location, location

Another good thing about Microsoft Azure jobs is that they are not all concentrated in just a couple of states like some other IT jobs; instead, they are scattered across multiple states in different areas of the country. Below is the breakdown of the hottest states for Microsoft Azure jobs and how many jobs are in each state:

  • California — 59,969
  • Texas — 41,551
  • New York — 36,315
  • Washington — 25,886
  • Illinois — 25,345

OK, so what types of Microsoft Azure jobs are really out there?

With all these numbers being thrown around, you probably are wondering which jobs you are most likely to find in your job search. Below are the top posted unique (meaning they are posted on an average of six job posting sites) jobs for those looking for a Microsoft Azure job:

  • Software Developers — 163,540
  • Computer Occupations (Other) — 72,637
  • Network/Systems Admin — 43,659
  • Information Security Analyst — 22,469
  • Web Developer — 18,245
  • Information Systems Manager — 12,829

Please note that these roles are listed with a name a little more general than the jobs listed above. This is because as cloud, and by extension Azure, expertise is becoming more of a typical IT workforce demand as the adoption of this technology rises.

Make Your Resume Stand Out With a Microsoft Azure Certification

Make Your Resume Stand Out With a Microsoft Azure Certification

Cloud technologies and services have revolutionized how we manage our IT and business ecosystems. Whether you're new to the field or an experienced professional, a Microsoft Azure certification can help build your skills and accelerate your career.


As the saying goes, “Your future's so bright, you’ll need shades.” This definitely applies to the Microsoft Azure job outlook. Not only is there a laundry list of jobs that you can demonstrate your prowess in Azure at, you will get paid a good deal more than other IT jobs and find them in different parts of the country, and the demand for these jobs is ever increasing. Now is a great time to go after a Microsoft Azure job.

Greg Belding
Greg Belding

Greg is a Veteran IT Professional working in the Healthcare field. He enjoys Information Security, creating Information Defensive Strategy, and writing – both as a Cybersecurity Blogger as well as for fun.