Learner grades
Estimate the cyber risk of every employee by tracking each interaction with Infosec IQ training and phishing simulations. Employees are assigned a learner grade based on their security risk derived from 22 behaviors and grading criteria you select.
Positive security behaviors such as reporting suspicious emails and completing training courses improve the learner’s grade while risky behavior such as clicking simulated phishing emails decreases their grade.
Personalized education
Automatically deliver personalized training to employees who need it most.

Learner grade threshold
Deliver supplemental training to employees when their grade falls below your risk tolerance.

Training course performance
Trigger training exercises when an employee fails to complete a course or scores poorly on an assessment.

Phishing risk
Provide additional training to repeat offenders when they are phished multiple times within your identified timeframe.
Rankings & leaderboards
Compare departments, teams or learner groups by aggregate learner grade to present to stakeholders or share with supervisors. Share each group’s overall rating and rank changes to highlight movement over time.
Export leaderboards and publish individual learner grades to promote friendly security competition and celebrate your most cyber-aware employees.

Access & export all learner data
All employee interactions with Infosec IQ training and phishing simulations are tracked and recorded, giving you access to all learner data spanning the history of your account.
With the Infosec IQ Data Browser, you can answer any data questions our dashboard and campaign reports don’t already address. Build custom reports, export results, extract data using our API and share progress with individual employees and stakeholders alike.